Getting the Word Out

I think it is important to set aside the most obvious ways to let people know about your plans for a Minecraft Church In-Real-Life to think about connecting to people outside of the current reach of the church.

For example, giving notices in church, Facebook and other social media posts are largely going out to an echo chamber of the Christian world. The beauty of Minecraft is it has a huge appeal to a vast amount of people who love gaming. Starting within the Gaming culture is a great way to inspire and awaken a desire to explore spirituality with one of their most strongly held passions for Minecraft.

So how can you escape the Christian echo chamber?

Taster sessions!

Found it to be really hard to explain and much easier to show!

  • so... a taster session on a Saturday morning (or whenever)
  • so... a taster session with a youth group
  • so... in a school assembly or breakfast club
  • so... a stall at a fair or a car-boot sale! (Yes, this can all be battery-powered!)

The Power of a Gaming Grandma (tm)

Grandparents have a particular desire to help their grandchildren to explore faith. Why not encourage them to come together to a In-Real-Life? They need not touch a device but they can probably use some lego or draw. It is about 'participating with' not about gaming skills. The all-age aspect is a powerful and important aspect of In-Real-Life gathering.

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