Minecraft Church Showcase Day
Minecraft Church is a new form of church for Minecraft mad gamers of all ages (and those whom they drag along). It especially appeals to those who are not normally members of a church.
If you are interested in experiencing something very different and want to know if you could run it, come along and join in. Bring a Minecraft Mad Young Person with you - it won't work without them!
We will have a Minecraft church service with Holy Communion in the morning. After lunch (provided), we will reflect on the morning and ask, and hopefully answer all your questions!
Saturday 22nd March, 10am to 3.30pm. St James' Church, Over Darwen. Winterton Road, Darwen, BB3 3AJ
To reserve spaces click here. Message 07389 751888 or revkevincolyer@gmail.com for more info
See https://www.churchofengland.org/about/children-and-young-people/doubling-number-children-and-young-people/minecraft-church for a video intro to Minecraft church